black rock shooter: arcana was a mobile game based on the brs franchise, released in late 2012 for mobile phones. the story follows RAILS, a social networking service used by many. there are reports of a "flatline syndrome" being caused by this network, in which users lose conciousness - these incidents appear to be connected to an app called "arcana". one user of RAILS (presumably the player) downloads the game, and meets the black rock shooter cast (as well as a few new faces) as they try to solve the incident.
now, you can tell this was a very interesting concept. but NOPE! the game only lasted seven months and then sadly closed. we didn't even get the nendoroid petite figurines they promised us ;-; but regardless, this side of the franchise is still a HUGE hyperfixation for me, largely because of the new characters that were added. let's talk about them!