the apostles

(from left to right: mzma, llwo, mefe, saha, white rock shooter, xnfe, ckry, szzu)

the apostles are a group of villains from the black rock shooter psp game. they invaded earth and massacred many of the people living there under the orders of both saha and white rock shooter. the main objective of the game is to kill them all and save the world from their invasion. and sure, i do hate them on one hand for their actions (including killing the soldiers' families). on the other hand, though? they are the SQUAD. they have a wide variety of quirky personalities that makes their stints as villains worthwhile. every member of the apostles has a unique personality, and i will describe each of them on this page.

mefe (mii) - a sassy and flirty alien, ranked first in the apostles. i'm gonna be honest with you... she's pretty CREEPY. she literally LICKS brs' face? that was the most WTF the franchise got until dawn fall came around and introduced that...ahem... cult. in any case though she has a very pretty design. like tightmare elly from arcana, she kinda reminds me of juri han from street fighter.

mzma (mazuma) - a theatrical alien, who imagines himself as the protagonist of his own stories. he is ranked second. bro thinks he's winning a grammy 💀 but in all seriousness, he's pretty funny and red and funky. he's a hammy villain if i've ever seen one. i just wish this remained the only brs character he voiced (SCREW YOU SMILEY YOU DISGUSTING CREEP).

szzu (shizu) - a calm and reasonable alien, who has more advanced emotions and empathy than the other apostles. she is ranked third, and works alongside her twin brother, ckry. she is so beautiful and mature, right down to having the classic young adult glasses. imagine if she had a redemption arc? 🥺 also her voice actor is going to play one of the new characters in fragment so i'm really looking forward to that

ckry (karli) - the least humanoid member of the apostles, ckry is ranked fourth and fights alongside his twin sister, szzu. being hellbent on neblading and killing animals, ckry was warped into a muscular berserker who only speaks in growls. he's a little intimidating O_O but at the same time he reminds me a lot of dead master's skull minions. he's very badass and menacing

xnfe (nafe) - ranked fifth, xnfe is the most childish and hyperactive member of the apostles. she embodies the most dangerous parts of a child's mind, and is obsessed with reality TV and game shows. she plans to betray white rock shooter by usurping her as the leader of the apostles. if she wasn't a murderous alien she'd be a ball of sunshine. but she is a murderous alien, so that makes her what marina would call a "bubblegum b*tch". bonus points because the little bunny ears on her hood and drones are SO cute? this is one of the best BRS designs ever i am a SUCKER for pink stuff

llwo (lilio) - a self-assertive alien, ranked sixth. he is usually aggressive and looking for a fight, but when around his crush, mefe, he becomes clingy and flustered. after the player defeats mefe, he neblades her essence into him and later fights black rock shooter to get revenge. idk how you can be in love with someone who licks people's faces but you do you i guess. overall he's pretty cool and i hope he and mefe got married in the afterlife

saha (zaha) - the leader of the apostles, ranked seventh. he has mastered a martial art called "universal karate" by his colleagues. he is working for white rock shooter, and trains "whites" to their fullest potential to help her out with the invasion. he looks a little like scar from fullmetal alchemist which only adds to his edgy and mysterious nature. pretty funny that the big menacing boss guy is actually the REAL boss character's minion

white rock shooter - the master of the apostles, who used saha and the others to stage an alien invasion. i really loved her enough to give her a page of her own, so you can read that here.